Watch this video from Fox 5 exploring if D.C. is ready for ranked choice voting.

“A potential ballot initiative could give D.C. voters a crack at overhauling the election system. The proposed Initiative 83 would create a ‘ranked-choice voting’ system, and open primaries up to all voters, including independents. Lisa Rice is behind the push and she makes her case on ‘The Final 5.’”


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What Washingtonians are saying about Ballot Initiative #83

Carrying thousands of petitions in black cases, some stacked in a red Radio Flyer wagon, supporters of major changes to D.C. elections delivered more than 40,000 signatures to the Board of Elections in Navy Yard on Monday for a ballot initiative to bring ranked-choice voting to D.C. elections and to allow registered independents to vote in primaries.

Petition to change D.C. elections gets thousands of signatures. What’s next?

Washington Post, July 1, 2024

Felder might’ve only won by a few hundred votes in a divided field (and you can thank D.C.’s lack of runoff elections or ranked choice voting for that outcome) but he has both the youth and experience to do this job as long as he likes, if he plays his cards right.

Wendell Felder Triumphs in Ward 7, Capping a Primary Night Light on Surprises

Washington City Paper, June 5, 2024

Passage of Initiative 83 by D.C. voters would end the practice of elections being won with a paltry plurality of the vote in multicandidate races.

Ranked-choice voting is better than a coin flip (Opinion)

Washington Post, December 3, 2023

In Washington, D.C., one in six voters are registered as independents. I am one of them. We are prohibited from voting in our city’s taxpayer-funded primary elections. Our votes are suppressed.

It’s not a democracy when the parties control our elections (Opinion)

The Hill, February 23, 2024

The crowded contest left many voters struggling to make a choice, including Kingman Park resident Marty Smith, 42, who said he wished the city had ranked-choice voting or a runoff system to winnow the options.

Incumbent lawmakers survive challenges in D.C. primary election

Washington Post, June 4, 2024

We have more faith in Washington’s voters, from all communities. Parents rank their preferences in the city’s school placement lottery, and the D.C. Housing Authority uses ranked preferences for public housing assignments.

A D.C. Democratic Party lawsuit is decidedly undemocratic (Editorial Board)

Washington Post, August 11, 2023

FairVote, a group that advocates ranked-choice voting, has released research suggesting that the system tends to benefit candidates and voters of color.

A D.C. Democratic Party lawsuit is decidedly undemocratic (Editorial Board)

Washington Post, August 11, 2023

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